President Lee visit Thomas Jefferson Memorial to read original draft of USA Declaration of Independence.
Taiwan president urging Taiwan's people to look to USA for inspiration on how to forge their national identity

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台灣總統李登輝到美國費城參觀獨立聖地自由鐘,受到大批媒體的歡迎 Oct 19, 2005

President Lee visit Thomas Jefferson Memorial to read original draft of USA Declaration of Independence.
Taiwan president urging Taiwan's people to look to USA for inspiration on how to forge their national identity

President Lee visit Thomas Jefferson Memorial to read original draft of USA Declaration of Independence. Taiwan president urging Taiwan's people to look to USA for inspiration on how to forge their national identity

Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui lauded the Declaration of Independence that founded the US, urge Taiwanese should have their own vision to forge national identity. Lee was in Washington Oct 19, 2005 , after traveling from New York and Philadelphia, to visit the Thomas Jefferson Memorial and the US National Archives, which houses the original draft of the Declaration of Independence. Standing across from the White House, Lee shared his thoughts with the media after touring the memorial. President Lee Teng- made a stopover in Philadelphia en route from New York to Washington, visiting the Liberty Bell, the symbol of American independence. "It is not only the Declaration of Independence but also the US Constitution that helped the US break from Great Britain. The Constitution, compiled and written by the democratic pioneers of the US, is tremendously far-reaching and philosophical and heralded a new direction for the US," Americans should be proud of their national heritage, Lee said, adding that the documents enabled the American people to understand the importance of national identity. However, he said, it was a shame that Taiwan has failed to make its own nationals understand what direction the nation is pursuing. Lee said the ideals and philosophy of the founding fathers of the US made the nation great. But he said that Taiwanese are yet to fully identify with their own nation and do not fully understand their own history. As a result, Taiwanese do not know how hard their ancestors worked to make the nation what it is now, he said. Lee said that Taiwan, like the US, is an immigrant society and that its people are determined to pursue freedom. What matters the most, he said, is to allow people to understand the importance of national identity and the direction the nation is attempting to forge for itself, he said.

It is time for Taiwan to change the country's official title to "Republic of Taiwan,"

Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui said in a Washington Post interview

Taiwan is an independent country and what needs to be done now in keeping with reality is to change the country's official title from "Republic of China" to "Republic of Taiwan," former president Lee Teng-hui said in a Washington Post interview. The former president made the remark in an interview with the Washington Post, which published the report yesterday. "Taiwan is already an independent country," Lee said in the interview with the Post during his ongoing tour in Washington. What is needed now is for the formal name "Republic of China" to be dropped in favor of the reality, the Republic of Taiwan, Lee said, according to the Post report. Also, the growing military imbalance with China has made it increasingly necessary for the nation to acquire "some kind of long-range missiles" that would give it an offensive capability, Lee added. "The psychological effect is important" in order to deter China from attacking Taiwan, Lee said. The Bush administration has pushed Taiwan to buy "defensive" weaponry, but Lee said the package under consideration would leave Taiwan shortchanged. A purely defensive posture, he said, "is a very big risk to the military balance across the Taiwan Strait." As Lee continued to stress the need for the US to support Taiwan's democracy and security against a Chinese military attack. China's increased threat to Taiwan and the need for the nation to defend itself, particularly by boosting military spending and purchasing the weaponry the Bush administration has agreed to sell to Taiwan, was a main theme of Lee's meetings, according to sources familiar with the meetings, which were all private and held in secret. Lee came to Washington with the stated intention of solidifying US-Taiwan relations and to assure continued US commitment to Taiwan's security in the face of China's threats and Beijing's accelerating military modernization.

Lee started the day with a meeting of former chairpersons of the American Institute in Taiwan. He later had lunch with some two dozen specialists and former government officials at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. Later, Lee was the guest of honor at a gala dinner hosted by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Relations Office at its Washington mansion, Twin Oaks. A high point in his visit was to come last night, when the US Congress held a reception in his honor. Today, Lee is scheduled to make a presentation and hold a news conference at the National Press Club before heading to Los Angeles for the last stop in his five-city US tour. During his four days in Washington, Lee will attend a reception hosted by US congressmen in the Capitol today, hold a press conference at the National Press Club before heading to Los Angeles for the last stop in his five-city US tour









李登輝說,20世紀,冷戰已經過去,世界新的秩序正在建立,說不定新的冷戰很快就會來臨,民主的潮流應該是站在台灣這一邊,台灣站在民主國家對抗中國擴張的第一線,面對的困難是前所未有的艱苦。總統李登輝訪美行程中規模最大、參加人數最多的「世紀饗宴」餐會,今晚在洛杉磯近郊帕沙迪那市的會議中心舉行,超過兩千名美國西部的僑胞在餐會結束時一起高唱「福爾摩沙頌」。 李前總統伉儷於下午6時30分在群策會秘書長黃昆輝、總統府資政吳澧培陪同下步入會場,受到兩千餘名僑胞的熱情鼓掌歡迎。 據主辦餐會的「歡迎李登輝前總統伉儷籌備會」主席林榮松表示,場地原來最高可以容納2100個座位,但是在僑胞的要求下,一再增加,最後達到席開178桌,每桌以12人計算,總共有2316人參加。與會僑胞當中,除大部分來自洛杉磯及附近城市外,還有從加州舊金山、聖地牙哥、甚至亞利桑那州、內華達州等地兼程趕來的。



台灣總統李登輝10月19日出席美國國會山莊酒會時表示,中國近年來在經濟方面崛起,"但人們忽略了中國仍是一個共產獨裁體制,而且不斷在擴充其軍事力量"。 李登輝在講演時說,"沒有民主,經常使得強國向外擴張、從而危及世界和平"。 李登輝總統表示,民主和自由是台灣和美國共同追求的理想,而"中國民主化是防止亞洲衝突的必須要素"。 在由美國國會參議院台灣事務議員團主辦的歡迎儀式上,有200多名國會參、眾兩院議員發言。 美國眾議院台灣事務議員團的許多成員也到會向這位台灣前總統致意,並稱讚李登輝是台灣的"民主之父"。 參加歡迎會的部分美國議員發言支持台灣參與國際社會,包括給予台灣世界衛生組織觀察員身份,並表示希望能邀請陳水扁總統訪問華盛頓。 李登輝表示,台灣已是獨立的國家,現在需要將正式名稱由中華民國換成反映現實情況的"台灣共和國"。

李登輝由台灣駐美代表李大維陪同,19日下午5時抵達美國國會山莊,受到美國國會議員熱情歡迎,上台致詞向李登輝表達敬意者有20多位,李登輝也是首位到美國國會發表演說的台灣總統。 在「攜手相隨、共創和平」的演說中,李登輝首先強調,民主與自由是台灣和美國共同的理想,雙方也分享相同的理念,就是要維護地區的和平與安全,雖然台美沒有正式外交關係,可是作為美國堅實的夥伴,台灣一直在維護彼此的利益上盡心盡力,對於台美關係成果感到欣慰,並且相當珍惜這份友誼。 他表示,基於台美的利益,同時考慮到亞太的情勢,台灣一定會盡力穩定兩岸關係,不過,近年來,中國的崛起為兩岸關係帶來新的不安變數,很多人注意到中國在經濟方面崛起,但忽略中國仍是共產獨裁體制,而且不斷在擴充軍事力量。

李登輝強調,民主化對於一個國家或者整體亞洲發展的必要性。 李登輝強調,他經歷二次世界大戰的痛苦經驗和親眼目睹日本軍國主義興衰,深深體會到民主化對於一個國家或者整體亞洲發展的必要性。他指出,如果沒有政治的民主化,任何強大的國家都有對外擴張的危險,對於世界的和平都是威脅。了解這段歷史,大家對目前中國的經濟崛起和軍事擴張,就更加憂心,因此,中國的民主化是避免亞洲衝突的必要因素。

李登輝19日晚間參加美國國會山莊酒會大型歡迎晚宴時指出,專制中國用盡方法統戰台灣,如何將台灣危機傳達讓美國真正了解,是此行訪美最大目的,台灣面對的不是軍事困難,而是本身失去主體性。 李登輝致詞時呼籲所有新時代台灣人面對困難,不能失去意志,要找對方向、堅持目標和堅定走下去,讓台灣變成一個正常、幸福的國家,不再受中國欺壓、威脅和糾纏。這幾年,台灣在民主自由和主體意識的快速發展,導致專制中國用盡方法統戰台灣。如何將台灣危機傳達給美國真正了解,是他這次訪美最大目的,台灣面對的不是軍事的困難,而是台灣本身失去主體性。